Node.js is an innovative, open-source, event-driven, input/output system meant for sites that support interactive communication. Several instances of such sites would be web-based browser game portals, online chat rooms or accommodation booking portals. Node.js handles the info transmitted between the site and its visitors in tiny bits, which enhances the load speed and the performance of the site substantially. If a certain form with three boxes is expected to be filled out by a user, for example, usually all three boxes should be filled and their entire content is then sent as one massive hunk of information to the server. With Node.js, the content of the first box is processed the moment it is entered, before the user writes anything in the second one. Thus, much more information can be processed much faster and more efficiently in contrast with any other platform, which can have a serious effect on the overall performance of the site. Node.js is already being used by many of the top IT corporations such as Microsoft and Yahoo.

Node.js in Cloud Hosting

If you host an Internet app on our advanced cloud website hosting platform and you’d like to try Node.js, you will be able to add it to your account irrespective of the cloud hosting package that you are using. This can be done from the Upgrades section in the Hepsia Control Panel and you’ll be able to use Node.js in no more than a few minutes after you add this feature to the account. You’ll be able to choose the number of instances that you would like to add to your account – one instance means one app using Node.js. In the new section that will appear in the Control Panel, you can enter the path to the .js file in your web hosting account and select whether the file in question will be accessible through the server’s shared IP or via a dedicated one. Our platform will also specify a port for the connection. You will be able to disable or to reboot each instance independently, if needed.

Node.js in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With a semi-dedicated server from us, you can make use of all the advantages that the Node.js event-driven platform has, due to the fact that it’s comes with all our packages and you’re able to add it to your semi-dedicated account with several clicks from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel – the account management tool that is included with each semi-dedicated server. If you want to employ Node.js for different web apps, you can pick the number of instances that the platform will use when you’re adding this service to your package. After that, you’ll need to specify the path to the .js file in your account for each instance. This can be done in the new menu that will show up in the Hepsia Control Panel after you order the upgrade and in the meantime, you can also choose whether the path to the particular application will go through a dedicated IP – if you have one, or through the physical server’s shared IP address. Each instance that you activate can be rebooted or stopped separately and you can see the output of your applications with only several clicks of the mouse.

Node.js in VPS Web Hosting

All Linux VPS web hosting that are ordered with our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel include Node.js as standard and you can take full advantage of the event-driven platform for any web app that you host on the Virtual Private Server. As we have not imposed a limitation on how many instances you can create, you can use the power of our VPSs and combine it with the full capacity of the Node.js platform. The setup is done via the Hepsia Control Panel’s easy-to-work-with, point ‘n’ click interface, so even if you aren’t technically experienced, you won’t have to cope with any impediments while using the platform. You’ll simply have to include the folder path in the VPS account to the .js file that will use Node.js and to choose whether it will use a shared or a dedicated IP address. In addition, our system will also choose a port to access this file and you will be able to see it in the respective Control Panel section. With just one mouse click, you can check the output of your applications and to delete or to reboot any instance hosted on the Virtual Private Server.

Node.js in Dedicated Servers Hosting

When you decide to buy any of our dedicated servers hosting for your script-based applications and if you pick the Hepsia hosting Control Panel during the order process, you’ll be able to make use of Node.js at no additional cost, as this event-driven platform is incorporated into our in-house built Control Panel tool. Since our servers are rather powerful, you will get excellent performance even if you run a lot of Node.js instances simultaneously. The configuration requires several clicks of the mouse and the Hepsia Control Panel’s user interface will make it extremely easy for you to create a new Node.js instance even if you have little or no prior experience. Defining the path to the .js file and selecting a dedicated or a shared IP address will be everything that you will have to do on your end and as soon as our system has selected a port number to access that file, you will be all set. Any of the Node.js instances that you have created can be rebooted or removed separately and you will have access to a detailed output log for each application that uses the Node.js platform.